This is an update for game version 1.58.63 game version that may fix Sims 4 CAS column bugs like UI scaling.Also, many changes are correlated with pet development. The filter bar has expanded its width to fit the extra columns on the screen.The feature, which arbitrarily distributes the Sims equally and has got deviated to the rightmost edge.Many of the UI or user interface categories have got updated like the catalog panel title being in the limelight.The 1.52.100 game version has combined the 5 column category, which gets upgraded.This mod blends perfectly with your game and is considered as one of the best mods. You could change these columns CAS according to you with the help of UI game cheats. It categorizes itself under three varieties, three columns, four columns, and five columns.

You could find it under the catalog panel. Ts4 (CAS), which is Create-a-sim, will have increased number of columns as this mod increases them. The Sims 4 has a new cas columns mod, which provides you with more Create a sim columns. Also tells you some of the glitches the mod faces. It also tells you about the things you must remember while downloading and installing the mod. The content below tells you about the CAS columns and how you add more of them to the game. Thus, getting it is a no-brainer if you want things well organized. It’s an essential modification as it helps you organize all your ccs related to your sim’s appearance. Sims 4 more CAS columns – This mod increases the number of CAS columns in your game.